Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Getting All Geeky

Waking up is such a phenomenon, no wonder empowered (?) women like Katy Perry, Hilary Duff and Ke$ha sang about it.

Every morning we spend some time struggling between the lure of sleep and the promising waking life. Even when we're too tired to even think, a debate plays in our heads and it often goes: Do I want to stay in the sheets and put my brain to rest from the madness of last night, or do I want to get up and go out there?

Just as the phase between dreams and reality is a blur, there is a threshold of sleepiness or waking. I couldn't better articulate myself than by showing you a graph of what I'm trying to say.

Being geeky and taking this topic too seriously aside, I believe that sleep research is a very promising future for me, thanks to my Biopsych course this sem. The blur between dreaming and waking was always a fascination, and so are the things that happen before, after and in between them!

Sorry if I'm taking this topic too enthusiastically. And since we're at it, let me try to convince you why this whole thing is totally cool. Sleep is a reversible state of unconsciousness-- it is not anywhere like drugs or paralysis. And yes, it's better than alcohol. The morning-after feeling just feels so good. If you want to take a break from the daunting task of dealing with reality, it's easy to get in such a state of unconsciousness (well except if you have insomnia).

I sleep. Don't we all? :-)

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