Monday, July 26, 2010


Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas for Teen Vogue August 2010 issue.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Little Bits of Life's Awesomeness

I've been following the 100 Awesome Things blog, which enumerates the simplest things that make life more awesome to live and made a list of some of mine.

1. When you're supposed to wake up at 7AM and you see that the clock still says 5AM

98% of the time our body clock's accurate-- that is, we are able to tell when we're supposed to eat lunch or when to wake up. However, 2% of the time our body clock commits error. Sometimes we wake up later (1.45% of the 2%), and thus only 0.55% or less than 3 our out of the 365 days in a year do we wake up earlier than usual. By now I think I should confess that I just fabricated the statistics above to drive a point that we rarely get a chance to sleep more. Don't you agree that there's nothing better than a justified snooze?

2. Friday nights

There's this giddy feeling I have on Friday nights. Besides the fact that I usually spend it with our manicurist who comes over weekly, I sometimes find myself going out with friends just to hang out and share some good old conversation or rewardingly sleeping early. Maybe what makes Friday nights extra awesome is that it's intermediate of a stressful workweek and promising weekend ahead. As most would probably agree, the anticipation is almost always better than the anticipated event, and the anticipated event turns overrated. I forgot what it's called in Psych, but yeah. (Trust me, I pay attention in class!)

3. Disney Channel

Disney Channel is a very happy station (except when they air Shaun the Sheep since it could get pretty boring). I'm past the second decade of my life but I still find comfort in watching shows that take me back to my childhood. It's kind of therapeutic to just have Disney Channel play on the background while I spend nights writing papers or finishing errands.

4. My stick-anything-to-it boards

I used to have these boards so that I could pin on reminders and notes, but they sort of turned into a memorabilia corner in my room that's pinned with pictures, movie and concert tickets, drawings, notes from friends and anything that a push pin could probably hold. I can get sentimental I tell you! I find them awesome because they help me remember good people and days in my life that I should not dare forget.

5. People who are able to pull through curly hair and look really hot

Enough said. Or seen. Haha.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


On a long walk around UP last week, my friend and I got the chance to catch up and talk about just anything. We were talking about the things we were doing, the people around us, and then we landed onto the subject of appreciating art and such beautiful things.

Friend: I like to be able to just appreciate art, movies, you know? Take trips to art museums just for fun.
Me: Yes, YES, I agree! But then that kind of thing doesn't really happen here.
Friend: I know right! I like how Europeans take time out from work to do all the cultured stuff. I wish I had the chance to do those too anyday.
Me: ME TOO. Sigh.

It could have been really thrilling to have a nice library or museum somewhere around town, eat escargot for dinner, have tickets to watch Broadway shows and have the chance to learn to dance ballet.

Death Cab for Cutie - I Will Possess Your Heart

How I wish you could see the potential
The potential of you and me
It's like a book elegantly bound
But in a language that you can't read
Just yet

You gotta spend some time love
You gotta spend some time with me

What beautiful lyrics by Death Cab for Cutie from their 2008 song I Will Possess Your Heart.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

They say you could see your future inside a Glass of Water.

One episode of Lie to Me*, the finale of Glee's second season and three ChocNuts after, I find myself with nothing to do today.

Isn't it (say it with me!) AMAAZING?

Free time! I've been keeping a lot of mental Post-its of things I should do if I had the chance to catch idle time by the hand, among those are to read books, sleep, watch series and so on. But now I'm like just too plain lazy to do them all.

I want to go out and buy red hair dye, get a hair cut (or cut my hair by myself if only I could see it from the back).

I still have exams and quizzes to study for and things to do for every single important person in my life. I think better get out of this, er, illusion.


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Just Say Yes

I learned to love Snow Patrol.

Monday, July 12, 2010

What Warms Your Heart?

I did so many things today and it's amazing that I am not yet sleepy at this hour. Here's the good old dark leafy fellow who's the culprit. Alias: Earl Grey T.

Suspicious, huh?

In one of my interviews for internship last summer I blurted out that I like to draw robots in my free time. The panel thought it was interesting and out-of-this-world at the same time, and I think this is what I meant by that.

I learned to drink tea this year. Hooray to that! I used to repel anything leafy. I just am not convinced that leaves should be consumed by the human body in any manner, whether it be drunk or eaten. Leaves are friends, remember? Veggie Tales. But then I got to experience firsthand how tea goes so well with readings and exams. And so I went on drinking it until I relied on it whenever I need to focus and just focus. And it never failed me!

Sitting in Starbucks for more than three hours today made me realize that caffeine isn't only to keep your eyes glued onto your readings. It's what people share when they want to talk about very interesting things, or when they prefer to sit in front of each other and not talk at all.

A man probably on his 40's and another older man (presumably his dad) sat on the table next to mine. They sat across each other, sipped on their cups and just spent the entire afternoon in silence looking outside the window. From my peripheral vision I can see it's what they call father-son bonding. Aww. That cannot be any more heartwarming.

All hail Paul the octopus,

P.S. In preparation of living alone I have to learn how to cook yummy food, do the laundry, iron my clothes and many other domestic duties. Anyone, help? :-)

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Sky Sailing

Have you found that one thing you're most passionate about? It's probably a breeze to live life knowing exactly what you were born to do.

In case you have not known, I'm a huge fan of this man called Adam Young. We have a serendipitous story together. I was on shuffle mode on iTunes and then The Saltwater Room came playing. I had no idea where the song had come from, but for some wicked reason it came sneaking into my playlist. I've heard of it, I began following his records and there, an Owl-let was born. I was the happiest and most excited girl that night of his concert. And though there were fangirls in the concert grounds I'd like to believe they were just pretending since they didn't really know most of the songs. Haha.

Anyway, fast forward to now. I'm just not a fan of the music but of the passion he's put into them. There's a hint of sincerity not too revealing yet honest enough. Adam Young is releasing this pre-Owl City album and he calls himself Sky Sailing. He writes in his blog:

This album is a step into the past, the documented account of a shy boy from Minnesota with more hopes and dreams than he knew what to do with. When you listen to this record, you can hear naivety, innocence, inexperience and the wide-eyed imaginings of a wishful thinker. It’s both light and dark, optimistic and melancholy. Unpolished and dusty, it’s an antique and therefore holds a truly unique and graceful aesthetic within.

Don't we all feel like that sometimes?

I think I can relate with his story because I am a wishful thinker too. And when I find myself uninspired his music is one of those I turn to.

And always, his music is more beautiful than sleep. :-)

X, Danne