Thursday, May 27, 2010

Oh Brother

I rarely write about my family not because don't think of them but maybe because I'm always with them.

Anyway, I just was wondering how siblings can grow up so much alike.

My youngest brother and I are so alike. He's a boy and I'm a girl and we like the same things. We can sit all afternoon and talk about Prospekt's March and we'd be very happy. When something happens, we'd just look at each other and all so suddenly burst into laughter. We have the same quirks and mannerisms too. And it's amazing how we understand each other in a weird but funny way. He's like a mini-me or I'm like his girl version-- which I find really funny and awesome, to think that I'm six years older than him.


Sunday, May 23, 2010


Hello from outerspace.

Though it may be quite late, I've found my mantra for this summer. It's "DECLUTTER!"

It's been so long since I had a real vacation (which is actually still only part real since I still need to do a lot of things). Over the years I've accumulated a lot of clutter, clutter not limited to unwanted paper or any kind of mess but things unsettled in different aspects of life.

I've yet to fix my sleeping pattern, which is one of the easiest ones to settle given the abundance of time. I've been working on organizing all of my files too. I also am planning to catch up with friends who I haven't spoken to or seen for so long. I've downloaded a lot of TV series episodes and movies waiting to be watched, and bought several books waiting to be read. Decluttering is still in progress and I have a long way to go before I can say that my life is finally in order, but I must say, I'm happy I have the time.

I'm no life coach whatsoever but I want to suggest that you take an increment of your time to fix whatever it is that may be lying there and bothering you. It will help you get back in shape and have more space to bring in new things. :)


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Let's Sit and Talk About This

As we grow older, we have better dreams, I believe! We slowly shy away from the trivial ambitions and make goals which are achievable, time-bound and realistic. I used to make a bucket list-ish life plan, and I end up writing a new one every once in a while. You cross out a few dreams, edit others and some others remain as they are. It's one of the wonders of maturity, you know? You rise above yourself every so often.

And did you know people around you can influence the way you dream your dreams? :)

1. I can vividly remember the day of our first Bio 102 lab class. During the introduce yourself part of the whole first day drama, we were asked to say our name, course and OUR BIGGEST DREAM! Well, I haven't really thought about the biggest of them big dreams so I just said I wanted to live in Japan. It's true what people say-- the more you say it the more you want it! I've always been fascinated with the thought of living in another country. There's just this excitement and thrill to it. New people, new places, new food, new vernacular, new weather. So I dreamt that dream. :)

2. Someday in some place, I want to open a store. I'm still not sure if it will be a restaurant (the farthest I've gone is doing Restaurant City and I don't know how to cook, I just actually want to interior decorate and design menus! HAHA), a fashion accessories store (I've started making handmade hair accessories) or a hardware store (who knows?). I'm a Chinese and I'm business-minded. Haha.

3. I want to write a long story. Or a screenplay. The problem is I've never really gotten formal training in writing! But it would be interesting to give it a try.

4. I dream to be an art director! The dream's getting clearer now that I got a preview of the real advertising life. I should get my act together and begin drawing for real!

Those are just 4 of my 10,234 dreams. I have lots! The more dreams I make the greater the chance that some of the good ones might just come true.

And did you know this post was inspired by Glee's episode 19? Haha. I bet you knew.



Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against talkative people or those who like to engage in conversation but is it normal not to like talking? I just find it kinda stressful, I don't know why. It's so effortful to do. I have this notion that I have to organize my thoughts first before I speak. Maybe because so much is going on in my head I don't know which ones to say first. Haha. Funny as it may sound, it's true.

I like writing people long letters, but I think I cannot extend a conversation as much as I hope I could. It's my biggest frustration. I can sit and talk with you all day-- that's if our topic is something related to Photoshop, Owl City, Eternal Sunshine or nail polish. Hee. Besides that, WELL, I have to be totally engaged in the conversation before I can speak 200 WPM. Yes, words per minute!

OKAY, that was just so random. I was just wondering why I've written so much in my journal well in fact I'm not a talkative person.


Monday, May 17, 2010


Probably now's the right time to blog.

Hello there! You may know that I've spent one of my more memorable summers being an intern for an advertising agency. I got into internship because of many reasons (I wanted to see if the industry was for me or if I was for it, to try Makati CBD life, to have a legit reason not to go to summer school, among others).

I applied for and thankfully got accepted in five agencies. I was apprehensive about choosing the right one. I can say that I have made the right decision with BBDO. The internship program, School of Fine Ideas (SOFI) was just what I needed. I'm a newbie in everything advertising and my course is even far related to it, so I needed an internship that would orient me to everything, from the beginning. To tell you that the whole experience was fun would probably not give it justice. SOFI was just so comprehensive. It was a crash course exposing us to accounts, strat, art, copy, shoots and recordings.

I ended up finding out that agency life is not all cotton candy and sunshine. There are very good days comprised of warm, fuzzy feelings and tada moments; and there are not-so-good days made of idea rejection ending in late nights. Besides that, it's so difficult to cram creative executions since advertising is not like your ordinary art. Every art element must have a purpose, ads must be consistent and in-line with the strategy, the copy must be short and sweet. Those things.

I had met two advertising 'celebrities' in BBDO. One was THE David Guerrero and the other one was Simon Welsh.

Our batch of interns comprised of a mix of different interesting personalities. I can generalize that everybody loves Facebook, being photographed, taking pictures in Photobooth, doing Chatroulette and singing Empire State of Mind (and eating!). It's amazing how in a span of five weeks we got really close as a group. Seeing each other everyday could have helped.
That's our class picture below, with David.

And of course our team! My teammates are awesome. That's us with our mentor Jao.

As said, this summer is one of those summers I felt I've done something pretty productive, memorable and fun at the same time. During our last day we were sad to leave the office. It would be long before we'd get a chance to go back there (that's if we decide to apply for work or just visit the office).

Now, on to a "real" summer vacation which I don't think is ever happening. I still have lots to do. I want to lie in bed the whole day sleeping but unfortunately I still can't do that now.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

From the office

Blogging from BBDO!

It's hard to love an idea and have it critiqued and rejected and that's exactly what we've been up to this whole week. Brainstorming is really sucking all the energy out of my system. I need to refill my inspiration capsule!!! Besides this there are of course late nights and cramming for our grand pitch! SIGH.

Life in advertising. Yes? :)


Sunday, May 2, 2010


Hello, hello. And hello!

It's been a while since I last blogged. I blame Tumblr for being too complicated to even understand. I promise to appear more regular here.

I got into a lot of things this summer, made me even more surprised that it's already May.

I've been up to internship and the things they ask us to do there. BBDO is one company I'd enjoy to work for, I think. And advertising in general, for that matter. From where I see it, advertising is never static and always challenging, the kind of work that will make you forever young. :-)

And oh, I've recently seen Roman Holiday starring Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn. I'm not sure how to put it, but the movie changed my perspective on classics 180 degrees. Black and white is not boring at all, and though the story line and plot was pretty simple, I found it really different and original. I love Audrey's accent! And her eyes! That scene in the picture above was the best!
