I cannot find one word to describe one whole decade, a single word probably would not give it justice. As anyone would say, the decade was full of ups and downs, trials and victories, expectations and expectations fulfilled, issues and issues resolved. It was filled with questions and answers. And because life doesn't end in the last day of 2009, questions still persist and answers still wait to manifest. I have to be thankful for all the answers I received, because I believe not all questions are lucky enough to have answers.
What I think '00 means to me is that it's a period of growth. You know how developmental science looks at adolescence as the time when growth shoots up or reaches its peak? Probably that's what '00 is in my life, except I don't know if '10 has more to offer. I'd like to believe everything was planned out to be learning experiences. All the people I met and all the places I've been to became part of this huge picture that was '00. It was full of color, yes.
I'm not good at making promises, and to tell you honestly I'm quite scared of commitment. If I am not quite sure, I don't make them. But something pushes me to say that it's good to promise that I would work even harder the coming years. It's my main goal that I arrive in a job I would be happy to be in (AKA advertising, or any job where I would 1. not get bored at and 2. be able to create new things everytime). I promise to embrace life more openly, meet and keep new friends, cherish old ones. I would be a better daughter, a more responsible sister. I would be an artist who will immerse herself in more more more practice. And to wrap it all off, I would like to promise to get enough sleep.
I'm wishing anyone who by fate reads this blog a fat and healthy new year. More love, more cheer, more growth, more faith-- those are all we need. It's time to leave heavy baggages behind and carry on with luggage filled with happier thoughts. Now, moving on with life.
xx, Danne