Friday, December 18, 2009


Is it a trend or why is reality discussed in a couple of my classes way too often? And the thing is, theories try to doubt it than prove it, that's why it tends to be even more confusing. Postmodernist thought makes a lot of sense, that might be the problem why I'm confused.

Earlier today, a psych guest lecturer talked about the fact that the anxiety in our anxious reactions is caused by reality more important than how we perceive it. From the way I get it, we are anxious because we allow bigger reasons to make us anxious. But the question is, are they really important? Or would they even matter if they become unattached to the many realities linked to them? He says that our thoughts are never independent realities in themselves, they are always linked to expectations, institutions, stereotypes, people, that is why they matter. If they were not, then their significance, well, might go into question. We fear failure because we may link it with hierarchy, reputation, punishment. But what if there were really no such thing as hierarchy, reputation and punishment? Would failure be a big deal? With that argument, I was convinced that reality is constructed, and that constructions of it don't make it as objective as we think it is. 

It was also interesting how the guest lecturer taught about mindfulness and metacognition. The way we think often controls us. If we think that we can never be involved in solving a certain problem, then we think we're doomed forever. But, if we think that at some point we can get involved, then we find light in finding the solution. So in times of anxiety it's just boils down to the way we think. Altering our thinking though, is easier said than done.

That's what I call random musings. :)

xo, Danne

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