Monday, November 21, 2011


I like to blog about nice things, dreams, sleep, beautiful photos, poetry, stories, books, pop culture, art BUT never have I thought I'd blog about food.

But then there's room for a lot of new things in this new phase of my life so I decided to accept the invitation of one of my friends to join a food blog. I've known the founders of this blog from college so I decided to hop on and join Manila Foodistas. I love taking pictures, and now I have food to include in my subjects.

Kindly pay a visit to Manila Foodistas: Food, Lifestyle, Travel (<--click this)! There are several nice things to read about over there!

And for my photoblog for today:

I realized that lately I've been posting more snaps than actually writing. Is it because I could express myself better in photos? O_O

I am reading more so I could get back from my writing hiatus. I have no idea if reading and writing are actually correlated but I'd give it a shot anyway.



  1. I think you can express yourself well in both! :) I love the last photo.. it's inspiring! Wee, our lives are just beginning!! I'm sure you're gonna do great in "the real world" xD

  2. Thanks, Thea! The 'real world' is very daunting. But I can't wait! <3

  3. Go Danne! <3 I was about to type go dawn hahaha

  4. I hope to blog about food too in the future! Go Danne! You now officially now have my dream job!
