Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Remember, Forget

What are the things you will remember even if you have amnesia?

It's kinda paradoxical, that question, because we should know that amnesia is memory loss.

If one day we find ourselves beating the odds of suffering heart attack or diabetes (or both), we would most likely be confronted with that daunting image of ourselves as men or women with grey hair, staring at the window and recounting the past, thinking of the highest highs and shrillest lows we've traversed, and evaluating if it has been a good life on earth. And when that time comes, what will you remember?

I haven't looked into literature if memory sticks to the brain according to saliency-- such that the most salient memories are the ones to go last when the brain faces sudden shock. It seems logical to think that way though, because in theory, the most important memories should be the ones deeply etched within the corners of the convolutions of the brain. In most instances, hurt, pain, loss, in others, joy, love, comfort. For instance, I think people who get heartbroken spend lots of time and emotion thinking of the other person, and without their consent, they are giving that person a special seat in their brains. It's tricky like that. (So be careful you guys, if you don't want that other person to reappear in your consciousness after 50 years, stop thinking of them. Haha. I did not mean to scare you.)

Do you sometimes feel like, as you get older, memories of your childhood or teenage years get fainter? They become farther away? I hate that. I also forget I knew some people. It's not in the hindi ako marunong tumanaw ng utang na loob context, but you just forget how people were part of your past until a friend request of theirs pops up on Facebook and then you have this sudden eureka moment and in your head you say "Hey yeah, I remember you! I wonder how you are doing." (And then you see in their profile they are already living in the States or something.) Funny how life's that way. I hope though I wouldn't feel that way about the people I have now. I don't want them to be strangers!

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