Monday, January 31, 2011


All of us in this world were once strangers to each other. Minus one letter and the word becomes 'strange', which means weird, unusual, queer. World population articles say that every second at least 3 children are born. So the world becomes three children more estranged, distant to each human being every time the clock ticks. We can't even keep up with that if we make an average of one, two or three new friends a week.

Try walking on the street, or riding on the train, or eating in a restaurant. We're all surrounded by strangers whose faces are generic for us to even remember. Everybody is busy living their own lives, thinking his opinion matters. Each person has dreams and has some family to go home to. Each person misses somebody, each person regrets something. Each person thinks of something at that instant.

Have you wondered how it would sound like if everybody thought out loud?

And, isn't it a also a wonder how we recognize the faces of people we know? We have a pair of eyes, a nose, a mouth, teeth and ears. Add to that some ornamental facial features like moles, eyelashes, and wrinkles. It's amazing how many permutations and combinations of those structures make us people barely look alike. I'm also impressed by a human's face recognition mechanism. It's just plain awesome!

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