Thursday, December 31, 2009

Moving On

Fairly recently did I realize that it was going to be the end of a decade soon. It passed by so swiftly. I remember spending the beginning of year 2000 with the Y2K bug scare. I was 11 years old then. When cliche says that time flies by so fast, it is not to be underestimated. I was saying that it was during the decade '00 (the zeroes look quite awkward) most of the the things I am aware of happened. The '90's was a blur to me, maybe because I was still a kid then.

I cannot find one word to describe one whole decade, a single word probably would not give it justice. As anyone would say, the decade was full of ups and downs, trials and victories, expectations and expectations fulfilled, issues and issues resolved. It was filled with questions and answers. And because life doesn't end in the last day of 2009, questions still persist and answers still wait to manifest. I have to be thankful for all the answers I received, because I believe not all questions are lucky enough to have answers.

What I think '00 means to me is that it's a period of growth. You know how developmental science looks at adolescence as the time when growth shoots up or reaches its peak? Probably that's what '00 is in my life, except I don't know if '10 has more to offer. I'd like to believe everything was planned out to be learning experiences. All the people I met and all the places I've been to became part of this huge picture that was '00. It was full of color, yes.

I'm not good at making promises, and to tell you honestly I'm quite scared of commitment. If I am not quite sure, I don't make them. But something pushes me to say that it's good to promise that I would work even harder the coming years. It's my main goal that I arrive in a job I would be happy to be in (AKA advertising, or any job where I would 1. not get bored at and 2. be able to create new things everytime). I promise to embrace life more openly, meet and keep new friends, cherish old ones. I would be a better daughter, a more responsible sister. I would be an artist who will immerse herself in more more more practice. And to wrap it all off, I would like to promise to get enough sleep.

I'm wishing anyone who by fate reads this blog a fat and healthy new year. More love, more cheer, more growth, more faith-- those are all we need. It's time to leave heavy baggages behind and carry on with luggage filled with happier thoughts. Now, moving on with life.

xx, Danne

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Guten Morgen

It's 10:35 AM, a breezy Tuesday morning and I'm several feet above the ground. I woke up with a short blanket, thus unable to cover my feet which is now cold. Looking at the city with a semi-bird's eye view has always felt breathtaking. In case I haven't mentioned, I am a big fan of the city hustle, and though I strive to overcome the stresses of the city, I thrive in them. 

I was checking my Twitter and Facebook just like I usually do in the morning and found some interesting bits of life from some people, some I may be close to and some I may be not. It only goes to show that life is pretty interesting only if and when we find interest in it-- pick up the littlest and most meaningful occurrences and equate sense to them.

I recently heard of what they call Boxing Day, the day after Christmas day. It is a holiday, I guess, but the practices behind it I find still unclear. Hmm.

I was reading some stuff on Yahoo News. Top 10 box office movies of 2009. Guess what? I've watched 3 out of 10. Haha, it's impressive, considering I do not really watch movies.

New year's fast approaching, I don't exactly know how to spend it. Maybe get buried in some biology books? That would not be a bad idea. 

xo, Danne

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

How I Embraced Life in 2009

Exciting things I did in 2009 that I didn't do in any other year:

1. Climbed the Great Wall of China
2. Took the NMAT
3. Walked in the edge of a building 39 stories above the ground
4. Won a 3 days, 2 nights stay in Boracay from a raffle
5. Worked with organizations dealing w/ HIV patients
6. Made a logo for one of Coca Cola's projects
7. With my groupmates, wrote a 600-page paper
8. Met a psych prof I'll be a fan of
9. Saw mangroves up close
10. Went to Cebu with friends
11. Did a KJ Analysis
12. Watched Idols perform
13. Organized a Photoshop competition
14. Visited the Forbidden City, Summer Palace and Bird's Nest Stadium
15. Transcribed 5 hours worth of interview
16. Developed pictures in a dark room
17. Played online paperdolls
18. Understood Facebook
19. Helped out in relief operations
20. Memorized all vertebrate classes
21. Cried over a dialogue-less animated scene
22. Headed publicity for a party
23. Discovered Vanilla Mudslide
24. Had a happy crush in UP :)
25. Attended the Red Party
26. Wrote an autobiography
27. Ate Xiao Long Bao at Nan Jing Road
28. Set-up this blog
29. Almost lost my lucky charm
30. Went to an advertising agency
31. Wrote a poem on Valentine's Day
32. Drew my own set of girl cartoon characters
33. Learned basic Japanese and got a Japanese name
34. Wrote a story about a red balloon
35. Rode a Maglev Train
36. Went cave-hiking at Sagada, Mountain Province
37. Ran as a vice president for an organization
38. Stuck peacock feathers on a bag
39. Turned 20
40. Joined a marketing competition
41. Made 1,024 Tweets (as of now)
42. Learned about Freudian defense mechanisms
43. Had deaf classmates
44. Organized an ACLE
45. Made album artworks out of boredom
46. Disliked Physics 71
47. Dressed up as Alice from Alice In Wonderland
48. Registered to vote on 2010
49. Played The Sims 3
50. Made personalized Christmas gifts
51. Got addicted to Restaurant City
52. Got followed by Lady Gaga on Twitter
53. Had one fun memorable night

Friday, December 18, 2009


Is it a trend or why is reality discussed in a couple of my classes way too often? And the thing is, theories try to doubt it than prove it, that's why it tends to be even more confusing. Postmodernist thought makes a lot of sense, that might be the problem why I'm confused.

Earlier today, a psych guest lecturer talked about the fact that the anxiety in our anxious reactions is caused by reality more important than how we perceive it. From the way I get it, we are anxious because we allow bigger reasons to make us anxious. But the question is, are they really important? Or would they even matter if they become unattached to the many realities linked to them? He says that our thoughts are never independent realities in themselves, they are always linked to expectations, institutions, stereotypes, people, that is why they matter. If they were not, then their significance, well, might go into question. We fear failure because we may link it with hierarchy, reputation, punishment. But what if there were really no such thing as hierarchy, reputation and punishment? Would failure be a big deal? With that argument, I was convinced that reality is constructed, and that constructions of it don't make it as objective as we think it is. 

It was also interesting how the guest lecturer taught about mindfulness and metacognition. The way we think often controls us. If we think that we can never be involved in solving a certain problem, then we think we're doomed forever. But, if we think that at some point we can get involved, then we find light in finding the solution. So in times of anxiety it's just boils down to the way we think. Altering our thinking though, is easier said than done.

That's what I call random musings. :)

xo, Danne

Monday, December 14, 2009

Happy Meter

There are some days when you'd stress yourself out until panic gets before you. And then there are days when you just leave all the things you need to do and say "I don't care". Today's the latter.

I don't know if it's the vibe that candycanes bring, or if it is the looming short vacation, all I know is just that today's one of those better days. 

Today, I found it meaningful observing shoppers' behaviors in the mall. They give so much insight. When people rush during December, you know it's out of the intention of getting the best gifts for friends and family, and not the rush to accomplish some workload. I was shopping for some gift wrappers awhile ago when there were also hundreds who were (yes, it may be an exaggeration). Who cares about gift wrappers in the busy hustling world today? The fact that we still do means so much, that the spirit of Christmas giving equates to never settling for mediocre gifts. It gives me a happy heart, knowing how we are not mere robots under the control of busyness. We are striving to be human. Christmas is the season to fill our tummies with yummy good food, but it's also the time to fill our hearts with the cheer missing during ordinary days.

Life is good, yes? :)

xo, Danne

Saturday, December 12, 2009

I Dislike Tests

I'm not nervous about the NMAT. Or is this the subconscious' way of saying that I really don't want to go to med school? :/ The test is tomorrow and I have barely reviewed (OHNO, Physics especially). But, I also still want a good score so that I may keep my options open.

May I and the other test takers be blessed tomorrow.

Friday, December 11, 2009

If Santa Came to Town

Christmas is nearing. Some things I'm wish for this yuletide season:

1. Moleskine Notebook: somewhere to write musings about the love of life. A handy little notebook for me to doodle some ideas that pop out of nowhere. It'll be a nice way to keep track of the many interesting things that happen.

2. Anything from the Owl City Merch store. These shirts are just the cutest!

3. White nail polish-- the matte kind!

4. Crystal Wing by Jennifer Behr. Fancy.

4. An internship offer for summer, of a creatives-related work. It's too early to ask, but I'll include it in my wishes anyway.

5. A mobile phone that's not touch screen. Preferably one that can store a lot of music.

6. 20 hours of sleep.

7. A decent score for the NMAT.

8. FREE TIME. Does not that sound really really nice? :)

Merry Christmas, all!

xo, Danne 

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Spread the Awareness, Not the Virus

Spending one semester working with organizations dealing with HIV/AIDS and interacting with HIV positive people moved me in many ways. I saw in them the zest for life despite a looming sickness they are facing. From their loved ones I've learned that HIV is not an illness we must condemn and stigmatize. It is something that we must be aware of. 

December 1 is world AIDS day.
Spread the awareness, not the virus.