Friday, September 16, 2011


My previous post just jinxed my sleeping pattern. I have never slept normally for the past week. Either I went to bed super early or never went to bed at all, it's insane.

I've been awake since yesterday, and I'm amazed by my wakefulness at this hour. My eye bags are excellent measures of number of hours awake!

From O_O at 3am yesterday to a -_- while taking an exam today and a ._. at around 7pm, and back to O_O now. See, my eyes, they are bionic.

Also, I realized that sleeping less means compensating through eating and drinking.

I keep on feeling the nauseating kind of headache especially while walking or when I'm inside a moving car. I think I should really rest.

Therefore, REST IT IS! The weekend will be a soft, fluffy bed I will sleep on!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Pre-sleep Ritual

One of the most sacred hours in a day for me is that prior to sleeping. It's sacred because I work hard in anticipation for slumber time. I try to do homework days before and I keep my deadlines far away so that I could be assured that I need not do an all-nighter. And then of course, I live not so I could eat good food or watch good movies-- I live for quality sleep. (Who am I trying to fool right there? When I sleep I am unconscious, now how am I able to enjoy that? BUT STILL, I BELIEVE I DO!)

Anyway despite the irony of enjoying sleep, I recently found out some insightful things by doing experiments on myself. To get quality sleep, I now try to incorporate a 10-30 minute winding down period prior to heading to bed. The winding down period comprises of soothing instrumental music or silence, reading of poems by Pablo Neruda or quotes from ThinkExist, and praying. Sometimes I write too, just like tonight. Those 'rituals' somehow cleanse my mind and soul from all the clutter that day. Besides that, I also make a learning list in my head: a list of new, may it be trivial, things I have learned earlier that day.

Then I get the quality sleep that I need (and worked so hard for.)

I don't know if this set-up works for everyone, but it leaves my mind free for what's to come the next day.

It has been my dream to buy a huge Tempur mattress. Meanwhile, I'll bank on this ritual to get me some hearty Z's!