I honestly did not expect that living alone would be this overwhelming. Whew! It's like every day I need to worry about what every other mother in this planet is worrying about, minus the kids. I never thought it would be this difficult to maintain a home, let alone one half of a dormitory room. Maybe I'm just a control freak or just too concerned in being organized, but surely a life like this ain't easy to handle.
Don't get me wrong-- I love Japan. I love how when I go out it's all breezy, cool and sunshine-y at the same time. I love how the people wait for the pedestrian stop light to turn green before they cross the street even if there are no cars. I love how bikers are reckless in the side walks. I love it when I speak English to the Japanese they still answer in Japanese. I love how they have extra nice toilets in school.
Probably this tired feeling from doing all the house chores like doing the laundry, washing the dishes, doing the vacuuming can occur to anyone anywhere living alone for the first time. And yes, I'm one of those lucky ones!
Part of that of course is the hassles of cooking. Cooking is not for me. It's etched in the palm of my hand. During nights when I feel like treating myself, I go for a take-out and man I say to myself, "food really should be delicious". And oh last weekend I've tried ironing. I did not burn any of my clothes, bow.
Most importantly, no one wakes me up in the morning. I'm so annoyed at my alarm clock I would love to throw it on the wall, but then I realized I shouldn't do that because my body clock is pretty messed up. In Manila, the only alarm clock that works for me is a human being nagging me to get up.
I will enjoy this. I should!