Some things that may or may not mean anything that have crossed my mind fairly recently. I just felt it was worth to share since I kind of been bothered about many things "life"-related. Quarter life crisis it is! It's possible that you can relate.
1. The thrill of the chase is almost always the better part. When you want something, the thought of you not having it (yet) is more exciting than the moment you actually grasp it with both hands.
2. And so in reference to #1, we unintentionally tend to prolong the thrill since it's intrinsically reinforcing.
3. People come and go into our lives. Some stay indefinitely, some just disappear. It takes effort to maintain all our relationships.
4. It's really tiring to talk, except when you think that you can say anything to the person you're talking to and not get judged. It's not a chore to talk if people reciprocate the interest you give in what you're saying.
5. Everybody has a soft spot but most people try to sport a hard, rigid facade. People keep themselves guarded to protect what's really important to them from being attacked.
6. When you're young and capable, you think you are invincible. You think you'll never get sick and get a heart attack, and so you sleep late and eat a lot of fried food.
7. Time heals everything.
8. Calculate all the risks so that you won't be surprised if life doesn't go the way it's planned.
X, Danne